Consider Requirements Engineering - New Course for Spring '22
Consider this new course for your Spring 22 schedule COMP 332-001 LEC (5108) Requirements Engineering – it meets MWF 12:35 – 1:25.

Consider this new course for your Spring 22 schedule COMP 332-001 LEC (5108) Requirements Engineering – it meets MWF 12:35 – 1:25 at Lake Shore Campus.
Requirements Engineering partially replaces a discontinued course COMP 320 Systems Analysis. Now the entire course focuses on ways to improve system requirements. Topics include managing the requirements process, metrics or measures for high quality requirements, and how to avoid typical human and technical problems with requirements. The course applies to all types of computing systems – web and server applications, mobile apps, real-time and embedded systems, small systems such as the Internet of Things. We’ll use some real-world examples to gain a deep understanding of requirements and their key role in systems development.
NOTE: the prerequisite is COMP 271 and the course is NOT programming intensive or focused. All majors in the department will find the course accessible. Let me know if you wish to discuss the course. For Spring 2022 students who are taking COMP 271 concurrently will also be welcome in the class.
Textbook requirements for the course can be found here.
If you are interested in taking this course but unable to enroll for any reason, please email Marina Donahue for assistance at